HomeFood5 Foods That Help Flush Out Gout

5 Foods That Help Flush Out Gout

5 Foods That Help Flush Out Gout

Gout is a condition that is characterized by intense pain in joints and surrounding muscles that usually occurs at night. This condition develops when the body accumulates uric acid around joints, and they turn into crystals. The crystals cause friction with the bones, causing excruciating pain and discomfort.

Thankfully, gout is a condition that can be treated with proper medication combined with a healthy lifestyle. Read on to know the foods that can help flush out gout with their anti-inflammatory properties.

1. Ginger
This potent herb is packed with nutrients that help ail many illnesses. Even when someone has a common cold or flu, a cup of warm ginger tea is all they need for relief. It’s a comfort drink for those lull days. As for arthritis patients, the anti-inflammatory properties of ginger help combat gout by flushing out uric acid. Many arthritis patients also rub ginger juice directly on the affected areas for relief.

2. Garlic
Here’s another herb to the rescue. Garlic cloves are packed with anti-inflammatory and bacterial properties that help the body eliminate uric acid. This herb can be infused into one’s diet through many foods, including salads, sautéed veggies, making them wholesome meals.

3. Cherries
This fruit is packed with medicinal benefits that help flush out gout. Anthocyanins give this fruit its color and help combat the build-up of uric acid. Getting rid of uric acid helps manage the symptoms of gout as crystal formations decrease, minimizing the friction caused between crystals and the bones. There are many ways to consume this fruit – one can have them as is or as a juice. But the most healthy way of having this fruit is to eat it whole, so the body benefits from the fiber.

4. Fish, nuts, olive oil, and seeds
These foods are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which help manage gout attacks by minimizing the friction in the joints. It’s good for bone health and the surrounding muscles, so if arthritis runs in the family, it’s a good idea to load up on the nutrients provided by these foods.

5. Apple cider vinegar
Many sources claim that apples are beneficial for gout patients. Similarly, its by-product, apple cider vinegar, has also proven to be beneficial. These two help lower uric acid levels, efficiently helping a gout patient to flush out toxins that add to their problem. Apples can be had as is, in the form of sauce, or can be added to smoothies. Wherein apple cider vinegar can be relished with a refreshing drink during summers. Add ginger and lemon to diluted apple cider vinegar to reduce the potent smell and flavor of vinegar.

Add these foods to your diet only after consulting your doctor. This way you will be able to avoid any allergies or health complications.

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